Looking for a macro that would equip my Riding Crop whenever I mount and then de-quip it and re-equip another trinket when I dismount.
Any help is appreciated.|||Outfitter does this, theses also another mod i think its called Auto Mount Equip or sumething that does it aswell.|||One thing to remember is that you cannot switch trinkets when you are in combat, I had "rider" which is part of titan on for a while and found that most BG's that when I dismounted I was already in combat which would mean I wouldn't have my trinket until I died or was out of combat. Using a macro would probably be better than a Mod as it gets aggravating IMO.
Riding in AV an arrow hits you from a tower - you see some opposing faction members coming along and you hop off your mount only to NOT be able to use your trinket due to being in combat. So die and you go again and then you take off your trinket and replace it - only to forget while in the heat of the moment and you quickly mount then dismount to fight and boom . . . you've got your crop on again . . . I personally like having control of them - I have them on a secondary bar that I can flip too and there's all my trinkets.|||you could try "simple mount equip" addon, it has option to disable working in bg's.
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