Monday, April 16, 2012

Asking for an AddOn developed...

I want to thank you for taking a look at this post. I do not know how to code, and I've spent hours being frustrated at simply putting things together. I don't know how to do it, and I applaud you guys for being able to. I was sent here by another mod maker, and he suggested that I ask you guys.

Here's my request:

I'd like a little Frame that I can drag around the screen that contains information on my paladin. simple, eh? I'd like the frame to have my HP and mana bar on top, outside the frame, or really close to the top, really small. Under that, I'd like it to show my current Seal with time left (clickable to refresh seal), my current judgment on the target, whether Redoubt is active and how long left (and the button should be clickable to cast Holy Shield), whether blessing of Sanct is up, and duration (and click to refresh), and righteous defense and it's duration (clickable to refresh). Underneath that, I'd like the current target's HP.




|1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |


[------------Enemy HP-------------]

I haven't seen a tanking mod like this around, and I'm sure it could be easily made and easily converted for warriors (sunders, and shouts and stuff) or bear tanks. I'm really in need of something like this, so if you could help me, that'd be FANTASTIC! if you want to get ahold of me, my AIM is sicariusdracus.

Thanks for reading.|||anyone interested in doing this?|||The problem is, this is such a specific request that no one will ever make an addon just for it. You're better off finding addons that will do individual parts of what you're looking for, then arranging them on your screen.|||you should try discord unit frame, im sure you can build your little frame in there;D

here you will find everything about discord.|||best thing to do is learn how to write programs yourself (there's not much to it once you know the principles). it would be alot less hassle for you and faster as well. if you write it yourself you can make it exactly how you want it instead of trying to convey what you want to another person.

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