Monday, April 16, 2012


hi everyone im looking for the script line that will able my addon to auto-buy reagent for my charac(a mage) when talking to a reagent vendor...

if anyone can tell me how to write it...

thx a lot|||Yeah some autobuy for candles for my priest would be very nice, havent found an addon that does this tho.|||Quote:

Yeah some autobuy for candles for my priest would be very nice, havent found an addon that does this tho.

Hmm, kind of complicated guys... it takes 3 parts: part 1 is it a reagent vendor? part 2 which reagents? part 3 are you missing reagents?

local IsReagentVendor = false

local IsRepairVendor = CanMerchantRepair()

local NeedReagents = false

if GetItemCount(L["Arcane Powder"]) < addon.db.profile.RestockPowder or

GetItemCount(L["Rune of Teleportation"]) < addon.db.profile.RestockTeleport or

GetItemCount(L["Rune of Portals"]) < addon.db.profile.RestockPortals then

NeedReagents = true


if NeedReagents and addon.db.profile.Restock then

for i = 1, GetMerchantNumItems(), 1 do

local name, texture, price, quantity, numAvailable, isUsable, extendedCost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)

if (name == L["Arcane Powder"] or name == L["Rune of Teleportation"] or name == L["Rune of Portals"]) then

if addon.db.profile.RestockConfirm then





IsReagentVendor = true




end|||I use ReagentRestocker for this and I'm sure you could check their code (it can sell greys for you as well). A simple macro solution to buy 10 each of Arcane Powder and Rune of Portals would look something like this:

/run for i=1,GetMerchantNumItems() do local n,t,p,q,r,s,v=GetMerchantItemInfo(i) if (strfind(n,"Arcane Powder") or strfind(n,"Rune of Portals")) then BuyMerchantItem(i,10) end end

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