Friday, April 13, 2012

Checkbox and slider problem

[:1]Hi all, I have a problem with a couple of check buttons and slilders.

1. Show or hide minimap button.....

You have to click the check box twice to get the map button to show or hide. Don't understand why it's doing it. :/

The code:

if DWMPackMinimapButton.ShowMinimapButtonCheckButton then
DWMPackMinimapButton.ShowMinimapButtonCheckButton = false
DWMPackMinimapButton.ShowMinimapButtonCheckButton = true

2. Lock/Unlock the frame.... I can lock or unlock the frame ok buut it clings to the cursor and you have to click it twice as per above to unlock it.

The code:

if DWMPackBaseFrame.FrameLockCheckButton then
DWMPackBaseFrame.FrameLockCheckButton = false
DWMPackBaseFrame.FrameLockCheckButton = true

3. Sliders... Scale slider

The scale slider only has 2 settings so it seems, 100% and 50% even though it has a step value of 1. When you go to adjust it, it jumps to 50% and won't move via increments like it should.

The code:

      <Frame name="FrameScaleSlider">
<AbsDimension x="232" y="50" />
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="3" y="-214" />
<Slider name="FSSlider" enableMouse="true" minValue="50" maxValue="100" defaultValue="100" valueStep="1" orientation="HORIZONTAL">
<AbsDimension x="128" y="17" />
<Anchor point="LEFT" />
<Anchor point="RIGHT" />
DWMPackBaseFrame:SetScale(value / 100);
<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Border" tile="true">
<AbsInset left="3" right="3" top="6" bottom="6" />
<AbsValue val="8" />
<AbsValue val="8" />
<FontString name="$parentTitle" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" text="Sets Frame Size">
<Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativePoint="TOP" />
<AbsValue val="10" />
<Color r="1" g="0.8196079" b="0" />
<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<AbsDimension x="1" y="-1" />
<FontString name="$parentLow" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" text="50%">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" />
<AbsValue val="10" />
<Color r="1" g="1" b="1" />
<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<AbsDimension x="1" y="-1" />
<FontString name="$parentHigh" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" text="100%">
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
<AbsValue val="10" />
<Color r="1" g="1" b="1" />
<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<AbsDimension x="1" y="-1" />
<ThumbTexture name="$parentThumb" file="Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Button-Horizontal">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32" />

The Minimap Position slider and Minimap Radius slider layouts are similar to the above slider but I can't get them to work and no matter what I tried I got lost and failed. I keep getting a nil error. I've looked at many sliders but are all lua or gui options.

Any suggestions to get these sliders working would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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