Monday, April 16, 2012



I'm a bit confused (wrapping my head around LUA is taking a while).

I'd like to know how I can use COMBAT_LOG_EVENT to get the event of when a poison fades from my character (any poison).

From what I understand so far, I need to put a function on the event SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_REMOVED? With regards to poisons, that's from the Nature school correct?

Any help on this appreciated|||You may find it easier to track the UNIT_AURA event instead.|||If you want to find the name of an unknown event, turn on combat logging in game by typing:


Go out and do whatever it is you want to investigate (here, wait for your poison to expire), log out, and check the WoWCombatLog.txt file in your WoW/Logs folder. It's complex, but will look something like this:

5/15 15:05:57.383, SPELL_INTERRUPT,0x000000000040B0C7,"Belleboom",0x511,0xF1300048121297E0,"Shienor Sorcerer",0x10a48,2139,"Counterspell",0x40,26098,"Lightning Bolt",8

What you are looking for is the second block in all caps, in this case "SPELL_INTERRUPT". In your case I'd just do a search for the name of the poison and see what event name is associated with its expiration.

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