Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Guild lottery

hello gents and ladies !

im a little new to the coding buissness, how ever i am not a compleate noob.

now im trying to make a guild lottery addon, but its coming along at a bit of slow rate.

seeing as i dont ahve a great knowledge of lua, i thought i would find a few addons and splice the code from them. i have a quite a few good ones that do alot of the things i need.

one of the best ones i saw was loot roller. now i know that its a raid addon, but it has alot of what i want, in it.

stuff like : assigning each player to a number and then doing a /random of all those numbers, announcing it, being light weight, etc.

now although this is nice, i prefer an addon that was just for guild lotterys.

so my idea:

guildies send me, say 1g per ticket, and the addon logs the person who send the mail. the addon could (although it isnt necessary) understand that if someone sent 3g then that person gets 3 tickets, and if the person sent more than the maximum allowed tickets, then they would only get the maximum, and the rest sent back as change.

so they are added to the list, and the lottery begins. the winner is announced in the guild chat and if needed the numbers put into the GMOTD.

the extra stuff:

if the "addon recognises amount of gold and so gives out tickets accordingly" is added, then some kind of priceing variable sould be added, so the price of each ticket can be altered.

now i have already read the other threads about a lotto addon on the forums, and ahve taken them into consideration, but hope that i can get some positive feedback anyway.

EDIT: instead of doing that whole addon recognises that 3g is in the mail and gives out 3 tickets thing, just have each partisipant send 1 mail for each ticket they want.|||Interesting concept....I know that at least one other game has a poker addon....heh

I can't say that I would have enough interest in a guild lottery to compel me to write an addon....But I salute you!|||Gambling of any sort in WoW is against the ToS and any mods written to promote this will be reported. Sorry mate.|||i know a bunch of guilds that have lotteries on a weekly basis.

there's a pot, and part of the money goes to the guild bank. the rest of the money goes to the guild member who won that week. its usually determined by a /roll (with the number of people in the pot as the high number on the roll.

say the entry is 5 gold. with an 80/20 split between winner/guildbank.

lets say 10 people enter, that's 50 gold.

each guildie gets a number based on order of entry. first person gets 1, second gets 2, third gets 3. etc.

/roll between 1 and 10 and whatever number pops up is the winner.

usually rolls are scheduled events with people watching so there's no cheating.

so in that example, one person gets 40g, and the guildbank gets 10 gold.

though it is gambling, i see this as more of a way to raise funds for the guild. plus gives people incentive to participate in the guild activities.|||well see, i checked out the whole "gambling" ordeal and it is illegal to do something like this, but only if you advertise it as an event outside your guild. so for example: holding a lottery in SW where anyone can join.

so this being a guild only event,there''s no problem.

now i could ofcourse just type /roll <number of tickets sold> and then have 4 other people witness it, but it would be easier and more relyable if an addon took care of it.|||"If you play with fire, don't complain when you get burned."

You can argue semantics all you want. But if Blizzard decides to nail you (or anyone else) who uses your mod... it won't be pretty.|||i will gladly take any thing that blizard throws at me for this. however, if someone uses this mod in a way that it was not intended (like guild lotterys) then its nothing to do with me.

its the same with any addon isnt it ?

anyway, so what would be my first step in creating this addon ?|||i dont know how to make this addon at all... but let me make a suggestion:

can you also add a feature that will mail everyone who participated the results? and have an option to mail the entire guild the results too? and the mail can be as detailed (list of participants, total gold donated, how much goes to winner, if there's a second place, how much goes to bank, etc) or with as little detail ("Grats <player name> wins <winning amount> gold this week!") as possible. that would rock.|||well i have come accross an addon that does mass mails to each member of the guild . . . . . . .

guild mailing list

not sure if linking outside sites is allowed here tho. . . . so just look for it on curse|||Finding a mod that plays around with money like you suggest though, would be far more complicated. I believe that Blizzard (rightly) protects operation with money in-game, to avoid things like a mod that somehow tries to siphon gold from people.

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