Monday, April 16, 2012

Need A Mod That Kicks Dead Raid Members!!

Can any one you clever mod makers design a mod that kicks raids members if they die? It's for a special one-off event.

Would really appreciate it if someone could get back to me about it,

Cheers|||dont need a mod, i asked Zeksie (Author of X-Perl) and he whipped up this macro for ya...

/script CreateFrame("Frame","KillMe")KillMe:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")KillMe:SetScript("OnEvent",function( )if(UnitIsDeadOrGhost(arg1)) then UninviteUnit(UnitName(arg1)) end end)

...just click the macro and when someone dies they will be removed from the raid you will need to relog/reload to change it back normally.|||fixed a type make sure you copy it again Maticus|||Wow thanks guys :D|||Looks like someone got to it before me, that's roughly what I was planning anyway, no need for anything more complex :) .|||Lol, looks like we know what it was for now|||Well I guessed as much since the race events have happened before and have this rule.

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