Monday, April 16, 2012


Just thought I would recommend this text/code editor to authors

I recently had to re-install my Operating System, and lost my good old UltraEdit-32 editor.

(Although I'm still investigating if I can get my old registration key sent to me to download it again...)

Anyway, someone else mentioned Notepad++ was good, and that it was FREE, so I thought I'd give it a try, and it really is excellent.

(I'm not convinced its character code set support is as comprehensive as UE, or its ability to find/replace control characters, but these things don't matter 99.9% of the time anyway)

It even lets you Run other applications in a similar way to UE, so I can Parse my LUA to make sure its syntax is correct while I write it - almost like a proper IDE

So I've added even more options to parse / compile / run my Java and Assembly code programs.

If anyone wants to know how to do this with Notepad++ (or UE), then let me know

You can get it here :


Anyway, just thought I'd mention it

p.s. the Language selection feature on the above web site is one of the funniest web page features I've seen in a while

^------------ which is why I used this smiley|||You most likely noticed me suggesting this in the recent thread with that guy looking to start coding. It really is a fantastic editior considering it's free. I use it for general notes instead of Notepad too just for things like tabbed viewing.


It even lets you Run other applications in a similar way to UE, so I can Parse my LUA to make sure its syntax is correct while I write it - almost like a proper IDE

So I've added even more options to parse / compile / run my Java and Assembly code programs.

If anyone wants to know how to do this with Notepad++ (or UE), then let me know

Sounds interesting, I've never done this. So it can parse my Lua as I type and highlight syntax errors? Now that I'd be interested in!|||personally i use Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for all my editing needs :)|||I like SciTe because it lets you have multiple files loaded that you can tab back and forth to and it also lets you scan your Lua for syntax errors. SciTe|||Sorry Tunga, the syntax checking isn't on-the-fly.

(Although there may be some Plugin I don't know about yet that will do this...)

But you can set up a short-cut key to a Notepad++ Run menu command; So at the press of a button you can parse your code (or compile / run your Java, etc. etc.)

Quicker than starting WoW, or even using a ReloadUI() command, only to find that there was an error in the code

The Run menu doesn't seem to be easy to use in Notepad++ however - I didn't see a way to edit / delete entries once they had been added, so I resorted to editing the underlying XML configuration file in Windows Notepad before starting the Notepad++ program

UltraEdit's implementation of this is much better, but once things are set up then Notepad++ works fine.

Both Notepad++ & UE have tabbed multiple file support|||Notepad++ also just uses Scintilla and is nearly identical to SciTE. Nothing wrong with it but why not just use SciTE since much more people use it and it can run on other platforms than just windows.|||Quote:

Nothing wrong with it but why not just use SciTE since much more people use it and it can run on other platforms than just windows.

I run Windows. Why would I switch because it will run on operating systems that I never intend to install? I have nothing against SciTE but your reasoning is strange.|||OK, I've tried SciTE too now

In some ways its more polished than Notepad++

At least once you get used to the fact that all the options are controlled via 'text' property files that have to be edited manually - it was a rather convoluted process, learning how to get the editor to remember my sessions and most recently opened files...

However, I do like it, and it does give you a very high level of control; Also, the integration of compile / parsing / "external application" commands is very good.

Also the Plugin for LUA functions providing tooltips on syntax and how to use them are good too.

However, I hate the design choice not to remember the last window size & position ? Editing constants in a text properties file is a cumbersome method of "remembering" the window layout - something which I change quite often depending on whether I'm editing LUA / Java / Assembly and therefore depending on where the output is going to be displayed. (Especially on my multi-monitor setup)

There are also a few small things that are better formatted in Notepad++ in terms of code presentation.

But finally, along with all the other functionality, there are a couple of usability features of UltraEdit that I can't live without, so I'm hoping I can get that up and running again

If not, then atm I can't decide between SciTE or Notepad++ .... so I'll have to keep trying 'em|||I use for editing Notepad++ because is a very complex program and support languages like C; C++; Java; C#; XML; HTML; PHP; CSS; makefile ASCII art (.nfo); doxygen ini file and other. Olso you can edit several documents at the same time. I got it from here: Notepad++|||Officially download source is here:


I suggest people stick to using that.

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