[:1]I wrote an addon that cycles through a raid and scores gear based on different things, it also checks for gems and shows the talent score (eg 51/20/0 Holy) for each person in the raid. However, the gem check and talent check do not return the information via the API.
I basically cycle through the raid and use raid1, etc... for each person. I do NotifyInspect(raid#) and then run some code against that.
for talents its
local _,_,talentTab1,_ = GetTalentTabInfo(1,true)
local _,_,talentTab2,_ = GetTalentTabInfo(2,true)
local _,_,talentTab3,_ = GetTalentTabInfo(3,true)
and for gems
for textureCount = 1, 4 do
local temp = _G["TCoL_ScoreUs_TooltipTexture"..textureCount]:GetTexture();
if temp and temp == "Interface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Meta" then emptySockets = emptySockets + 1 end
if temp and temp == "Interface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Red" then emptySockets = emptySockets + 1 end
if temp and temp == "Interface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Yellow" then emptySockets = emptySockets + 1 end
if temp and temp == "Interface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Blue" then emptySockets = emptySockets + 1 end
The talents always come back 0/0/0 and the gems always return the total number of sockets, not just missing sockets.
I do know that when you query another persons gear that query will initially use the itemID for the item; which is blank of gems, and then queries the bliz server for the information for the specific person you are inspecting. The issue i think is the code is continuing before that information is returned so it shows all zeros and empty sockets.
Does anyone know how to get a raid inspection cycle to wait for the information to return from the blizard server before continuing the execution of the rest of the addon code...???
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