Saturday, April 14, 2012

Which Event should I use?

[:1]Hello, I'm new to creating addons and I've started writing a spell priority mod. Basically it determines which spells in a list are available (based on cooldowns and/or whether it's DOT is still applied) and of all of those returns the one with the highest priority (user defined). I have the basic calculations worked out, but I can't find a good event to recalculate priority on. For testing I just have it bound to a key but eventually I'd like to have it happen automatically.

Any ideas?|||SPELL_CAST_START?

If that's not often enough then use OnUpdate at a set interval|||Thanks for the reply!

I like the idea of OnUpdate, but WoWWiki says:

OnUpdate is not called on any hidden frames, only while they are shown on-screen.

I only have one frame and it's hidden, would I have to make a visible one? Maybe there's a common workaround to this that people use?|||If you want your addon to cast spells autmatically - then you cannot do it. You need hardware event (key pressed).

So binding it to a key would be possible way to go.|||Yep I'm aware of that. I don't want the spells to cast automatically, I just want the priority list to be refreshed automatically.

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