Monday, April 16, 2012

WoW ACE addons

Does somebody know where I can find all the addons, which were to be found here ?

To be specific, I am searching for Craftlist2, Crylolysis 2 (this one was still running prior to patch 3.0.2, the one at Cursegaming did not run for months), FuBar and also a few other FuBar addons, which cannot be found at

I am posting this here, because I am hoping, that some of the mod authors who uploaded at the WoWace website might read this. So if this post is completely wrong here, please excuse me

Thanks in advance and greetings to all of you|||Wowace has merged into Curse and all Wowace hosted projects are now available from there.|||you can read the official explanation here.|||I guess moving to Curse was a purely mercenary choice given the fact that they were being subsidised by Curse for some time before the move.

But I find it an interesting choice given how terrible I think the Curse site is.

I still post my AddOns there because it seems quite popular, but otherwise I wouldn't go back. I end up grinding my teeth nearly every time I visit, and the forums are a complete mess of un-navigable, and virtually un-searchable, random posts...

Curse staff seemed to agree with many of my suggestions on their forums, but after 2 years, they still haven't got the basics right, and continue to ignore their end users, while developing lots of un-asked for features, and introducing new (and old) errors every week.

The latest error is that the AddOn comments are no longer deletable or editable, and they are sorted oldest comment first - apart from completely new comments which come top - so the comments are not really sorted at all any more

That site is a complete mess and would actually benefit from being rolled back to what it was 2 years ago.

Not like which is an examplary site with great forums

(And wowinterface is pretty good too )|||Quote:

I guess moving to Curse was a purely mercenary choice given the fact that they were being subsidised by Curse for some time before the move.

But I find it an interesting choice given how terrible I think the Curse site is.

I still post my AddOns there because it seems quite popular, but otherwise I wouldn't go back. I end up grinding my teeth nearly every time I visit, and the forums are a complete mess of un-navigable, and virtually un-searchable, random posts...

Curse staff seemed to agree with many of my suggestions on their forums, but after 2 years, they still haven't got the basics right, and continue to ignore their end users, while developing lots of un-asked for features, and introducing new (and old) errors every week.

The latest error is that the AddOn comments are no longer deletable or editable, and they are sorted oldest comment first - apart from completely new comments which come top - so the comments are not really sorted at all any more

That site is a complete mess and would actually benefit from being rolled back to what it was 2 years ago.

Not like which is an examplary site with great forums

(And wowinterface is pretty good too )

Gief addons that work master Telic! PM me and I has chocolate for you|||Wowace still exists and you can browse and access the projects from there as well as on Curse, it just means things now show up on Curse as well. As far as I know the SVN is unchanged, it just no longer has public HTTP or similar access. For the average author it shouldn't make a lot of difference.

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