Saturday, April 14, 2012

Looking for someone to continue/co-author my mod.

[:1]I am the creator/founder of Auto-Correct. The I believe the mod does have potenitel, however I have the time to mend the mod so to speak, but I lack the actual LUA/XML knowledge to do so. The add-on is very simplistic. If anyone would like to know more, or would like to help with the addon, please contact me through PM.



I am the creator/founder of Auto-Correct. The I believe the mod does have potenitel, however I have the time to mend the mod so to speak, but I lack the actual LUA/XML knowledge to do so. The add-on is very simplistic. If anyone would like to know more, or would like to help with the addon, please contact me through PM.



Or, you could just provide the info here, and people could take on the fun more quickly.

When you say mend, I presume that you are indicating that it doesn't work, and you want someone to fix it for you.

Is there a reason you can't just post more about the issues here? People might help you fix it yourself.

good luck!|||Sure thing.

Auto-Correct literally, has a database of words, and when you type a word, it replaces it with another. Thats more or less the addon.

some of the problems it has, is that it will not function with commands like /target you get this error:

Date: 2009-03-18 22:20:36
ID: 26
Error occured in: AddOn: AutoCorrect
Count: 1
Message: Error: AddOn AutoCorrect attempted to call a forbidden function (TargetUnit()) from a tainted execution path.
[C]: TargetUnit()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:1020: ?()
[C]: ChatEdit_ParseText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2930: Blizzard_ChatEdit_SendText()
[C]: ChatEdit_SendText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2951: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1:
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1

I also am looking to add more functionality to the addon, someone gave me some input earlier today and said:


a suggestion for you - If you are familiar with IE7Pro (a addon for Internet explorer) it has a function that spell checks words u type on web pages. Don't know if you could implement the same functionality, but what I like about it is it doesn't actually change anything - it just underlines/highlights questionable words and if you right click provides a list of suggestions to replace with. Maybe you could even play a sound as well when a word gets underlined/highlighted for those of us who don't always look at what we are typing while we are typing it to alert us to a possible mistake. This would also help with your problem with interfering with other commands as it wouldn't actually change anything unless the user selected it to. 8)

Basically, Im looking for a way to expand the addon, to make it as usefull as possible, but either A) try to make it seemless, so that it is almost like its a normal part of the game, or B) add more functions to it, so that it can do more than just automatically correct words.

I hope that helps.|||Your addon is trying to Target, addons arent allowed to Target

You need to have the mod ignore protected actions like /target, /focus, /cast and /use.|||Thank-you Ill try and see what I can do to fix that, I would still like to find out if there is anyone interested in co-authoring the mod with me.

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