Saturday, April 14, 2012

Looking for mod

[:1]I am trying my hand at creating a mod because I haven't found anything out there that suits my need. At least nothing small.

Basically what I am looking for is a mod that will forward properly formatted whispers to channel that several other people could listen in on.

Basically why I want this is to help our looting system.

We do a need - use - greed system. Need being a 1 win roll system. If nobobdy rolls need on the item it goes to use. Here is where we use a bit of loot council to make sure that the loot is going to the right place. But if we have everyone post their current piece, nobody wants to listen to people proclaiming why they are more in need of the item than someone else.

So what we want is for the raid to be able to type something like this:

/tell <lootmaster> use [shift-click current item]

Then have that tell forwarded to a channel that a small loot council can view to ensure that the person getting the most benefit out of it is awarded the loot.

I'm sure that this is a very small amount of code but I just cannot figure it out.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.|||why dont you jon a custom channel (/join lootmaster) and post it there? or isnt it possible to post items in custom channels?|||you cant post links in custom channels.

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