Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quest Text Translator Addon?


I am planning to make an addon that replaces the quest texts to a localized one.

In the questlog or at the questgiver's window, based on the Quest ID, I want to replace the title/description etc to a text that I set, based on teh ID (from a local database stored in a lua)

For example if I go to an NPC, I select a Quest and the details are appearing, my own text will. But I dont know how to query and change that text.

Can anyone make a small sample addon that only do this (I can add the rest, I know lua just cant use frames hooks events etc):

When the quest is displayed via questgiver or from the questlog, add the questid after the title, and also add (end) at the end of the questtexts.

So when picking the quest at Questgicer NPC, it will be like this:

The Ghostfish (13830)

Any Northrend angler...blabla


I want you to catch this fish and discover its secret by any means! (end)

Quest Objectives

Marcia Chase in Dalaran... ... Phantom Ghostfish. (end)

when accepted and checking questlog:

The Ghostfish [13830]

Marcia Chase... of the Phantom Ghostfish. (end)



Any Northrend angler...


...its secret by any means! (end)



Basically if you can show me how to modify the displayed texts, then I can do the rest :)|||I might be wrong, but I think that would violate the EULA and/or the TOS.|||what? seeing the quest text in our own language?

That just helps players like questhelpers, and can draw those future players too who only speak their own language, or want to read the quests (maybe for RPing) and not just follow the marks on the map or tomtom arrows.

And I think translatin all quest is pretty big job, so I planning do it with the low level ones or with some primary/storyline quests.

Its not like communication with other faction, its just simply to understand what the quest want, and its only local, with an addon, not by modifying WoW.

There are also addons like lightheaded that displays dfetailed information about the quests and hints, coords and thats not against EULA either.

Btw I already modified monkeyquest 2 year ago to display quests in my language, but that only appeared in the monkeyquest's window, and now I want to integrate it to the original blizzard frame, but dont know what code I need to catch and replace those texts.

I can also include the original english text at the end or making a radio button somewhere to select original/translated text, but thats even more difficult for me since I know nothing about windows modifying/making or to add new buttons etc.|||You're changing a part of the game that's (AFAIK) not supposed to be changed. I don't thing quest text is supposed to be altered in any way beyond the ablity to have instant quest text.|||If it can done by addon then its allowed. If notthen QuestLogFrame commands and SetText functions should be disabled. Thats not modifying the game, just modifying the output. Unitframe addons also modify the game, and bossmods give a not planned advantage and they still not against EULA. And some addon completely reconstruct the original blizzard frames.

And even if adding a translated questtext is not allowed, it cant be tracked, since its done with an addon, locally, users can decide if theey want tu understand the quests or not, addon can be deleted anytime, or can only be used by the given language grp.

Anyway, just give a hint, how can I add the questID at the end of the quest names in the quest log and the questgiver's window, I can figure out the rest.

The questid thing is not against anything, and helps tracking the quest or searching for it via allakhazam (I just need to enter the ID instead of searching for the questtitle)|||I'll have to agree that it's probably against the eula as well. My grounds for this argument....

The nude mods. They're an addon. You're the only one who sees your toon in all their clothes free glory but....they....are prohibited by Blizzard.|||Ye ye rly, showing a character naked and displaying/adding the questID is the same? If not modifying just adding things is against rule then bar mods are bad too since they add more extra bar, that by default are not there. or adding extra buttons to the auction windows or modifying its whole content, and those mods are not banned yet. Dont give me that crap. I can list at least hundred mod that shows questID, that shows itemID (adds to the tooltip), adds itemlevel to the description or other infos, adds spec info to player tooltips, so adding a harmless questID after the title (6-7 extra character) is totally harmless. If you dont know how to write a code like that, just please dont post any excuse.

What If I leave the original text, and I show the questID in a different window/tooltip, like the lightheaded descriptions? thats a longer code, thats why its easier to add to the original window.

Anyway, I'm not asking to write this kind of mod, I just asking how to add the questID after the quest title in those windows, thats not against anything. The question is how to hook/modify windows like the other mods do, I just need an example code. If you dont know how to do this, or cant be done then just tell me. Answer only if you know lua and know how to do this, I think its just a max 10-20 line code max.

I heard there is a mod already where they added a clickable link (quiesID) to these windows that points to that quest's description at wowhead etc. (telling me the modname is enough too) so you must be wrong and displaying the questID is not against anything, maybe only just my original idea.

a non-clickable ID after questtitle is enough, like:

A Demonic Presence (9844)

so your reasoning fail, this mod is there for years, Im using it, it displays questID, and detailed quest info, even coordinates and user posts how to solve the quest (unintended infos), and blizzard never banned it. Its a popular addon. I just want to display a harmless ID like the Demonic Presence line above. Is it possible with the lua or not?

ps: I found this one too, it also modifies/adds things:
|||the difference between the addons you've linked and what you want to do is that they only add extra tabs, etc to what blizzard already has. they don't CHANGE anything in the game. not that it matters since you obviously won't take no for an answer. I've no doubt it would probably be possible to do what you want but the only way to find out if blizzard will allow it is to ask them yourself.

P.S. bar mods like bartender don't add extra bars. those bars all already there, just not shown by defult.|||Quote:

the difference between the addons you've linked and what you want to do is that they only add extra tabs, etc to what blizzard already has. they don't CHANGE anything in the game. not that it matters since you obviously won't take no for an answer. I've no doubt it would probably be possible to do what you want but the only way to find out if blizzard will allow it is to ask them yourself.

P.S. bar mods like bartender don't add extra bars. those bars all already there, just not shown by defult.

Actually, being an addon dev myself, I don't think this is against the EULA or ToS.

1. you are not messing with the game files

2. it's merely changing text in textboxes

There are other addons that do far more invasive things to parts of the game without it being considered foul.

I say, go ahead.

As for how... I recommend asking on the wowace forums. That site is for and by addon-devs and most devs here would pale in comparison to what the guys over there can whip up in a heartbeat.

I'd also believe it more if they say something is a no-go (even though I still expect your modification to be perfectly fine).

Nothing against this wonderful forum full of knowledgeable people when it comes to nearly every part of wow. But wowace is to addon-developing as elitist-jerks is to number-crunching.|||Quote:

the difference between the addons you've linked and what you want to do is that they only add extra tabs, etc to what blizzard already has.

have you checked the pic above (questguru)?

its the original blizzard frame with extra buttons, and in the quest description there is a text added:

Started by:

Finished by:

thats a modification!

So adding a (xxxxx) at the end of the title is the same!

Thanks Wintrow, will post my idea at WowAce forum, maybe they will be more helpful

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