Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Has Anyone Read "WoW Programming"?

I'm looking for a decent intermediate level book for addon programming. I code for a living so programming concepts are fine and I've made some basic stuff but the lack of good reference material is an issue. I'm happy to pay for a book if it's going to provide what I need.

Has anyone read/browsed this:

If so, what did you think?|||::feels a coma coming on::

No really, go for it LOL.|||I get spare time at work when we're not very busy, I can't sit there playing WoW so this is the next best thing.|||The writer of Atlas wrote this last year:

May be a bit out of date now however since blizz keeps changing the mod language commands|||why read it when it will change next patch...Blizzard don't know how to leave something be.|||I actually read Hacking World of Warcraft, so now I know some good XML/LUA coding. Is Blizz really gonna change the language in WotLK? If they do, I think I'm going to hurt someone.|||why would blizzard change the programming lang on a wimp? is there a reason behind it?|||Quote:

why read it when it will change next patch...Blizzard don't know how to leave something be.

Thanks for your clueless input. I'm intelligent enough to deal with a few API changes, which I'm prepared to bet you know nothing about but decided to comment on anyway.


The writer of Atlas wrote this last year:

May be a bit out of date now however since blizz keeps changing the mod language commands

Yeah, this is why I'm more inclined towards the newer one. Also the other book seems to be aimed at a lower level, it covers macros and using mods a lot more than this one does from what I can tell. It's only ?15 for the one I'm looking at so I might just take a chance on it, it looks good.|||So... if we have a brilliant idea for an addon we can go poke you ? =)

What are you planning to write anyway ?|||Short term, nothing specific. What has provoked me recently has been the lack of a working Assessment but i'm a long way from anything that complex. Still, a basic damage meter would be a nice start - and I realise the recent combat log changes won't be in the book but it's not an issue really, the problem for me is the nuances of Lua over other languages (I'm fluent with VB/C#/Java/PHP so I'm sure I can pick it up, I just need a good source to learn from).

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