Saturday, April 21, 2012

One bag custom mod...

Okay I know there are mods out there that do this and make all your bags into one... But I want to make my own the way I want it and such.

Would this be easier to make it from scratch or edit the code of the public Onebag addon? I'm new to making addons so I may need a little help, but I catch on fast.|||First and foremost, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Creating an addon for WoW is not far from programming a GUI in any other high-level language, such as C++. The only true difference is the limitations of the scripting language which Blizzard has issued. There are, however, several plus sides to a scripting language as well, which go beyond the limits of any high-level programming language. Personally, i've been programming in several languages from QBasic/Visual Basic all the way to C++/ASM, and i'm still baffled by some of the complexities at hand. So, just bear that in mind.

Of course, there's plenty of help out there, including a little from Blizzard. And it's true, you don't have to be a hardcore developer to get into interface programming. So if you truly feel serious about it, do plenty of reading before tackling your goal:

Might I suggest the HOWTOs and Tutorials section from wowwiki?

Anyways, once you feel confident enough, try examining other developer's completed projects to see how they've accomplished thier goals. Then finally, start your own project from scratch. Remember not to steal another developer's code, as there are usually consequences for such actions. You can, however, contact a developer and ask to use portions of their work in your own. Just be sure to give them the credit they deserve!

Best of luck,

- MikeTV

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